Home Care Service

Our Home Care Service is a sitting service that provides much needed support for people at end of life, or for people with a life-limiting illness, who are cared for at home.

This service can be accessed by anyone who has end-of-life care needs or respite needs in the Durham Dales and Sedgefield communities. The Home Care Service team are there to support people who wish to remain at home during the palliative stage of their illness.

Our team of experienced Health Care Assistants offer social and practical support (excluding the administration of medication) and are on hand to support not only the service-user, but also their families and carers. They provide respite for those looking after their loved one, meaning they are able to sleep, or go out, knowing that the patient is being well looked after.

The aim of the service is to offer high quality, dignified care to service-users and their families in their own homes and also to prevent unnecessary admissions to hospital and to support the discharge of patients with palliative needs from the hospital or hospice.

Any health care professional may refer a patient to the Home Care Service but the District Nurse must also be aware of the referral and have involvement in that patient’s care.

If you would like to find out further information on the service or to refer a patient, please contact the Home Care Service Coordinator on 01388 603003 or submit a referral enquiry form.

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